Here’s how we work…
Your taxes calculated and paid automatically
Whenever you get paid, Hnry automatically calculates, deducts, and pays your income tax, GST, Medicare, and Student Loan - so you’re always up-to-date on your tax payments.Claim expenses as you go
Need to claim a business expense? It’s as easy as snapping a photo of the receipt and our expert team of accountants will immediately review your expenses to get you instant tax relief - no more waiting until the end of the financial year.
Your tax returns lodged by expert accountants
Sit back and relax! We’ll lodge all your tax returns (income tax and BAS) for you whenever they’re due. No more stressing at tax time, no more searching for receipts, or getting an unexpected tax bill - a few clicks and it’s all done!
All your tax obligations - sorted!
Hnry doesn’t just calculate and pay your income tax - we take care of it all!
We’ll prepare and lodge all your returns (income tax and GST) whenever they’re due. In just a few clicks we’ll have your tax returns lodged!
We also keep track of your income. So, if you start earning over the GST threshold we’ll notify you and automatically register you for GST!